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In the spring of 1927, a prayer meeting was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes Hicks. Out of this prayer meeting the idea of organizing a church was born. At that time Romulus was a township without a Black church in what was known as across the railroad tracks. The first worship service was held in the home of Deacon and Mrs. John Hayes Hicks in the month of May 1927.
Rev. J.C. Williams of New Mount Zion Baptist Church, Detroit officially organized the church on July 17, 1927 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Quinn. Rev. Williams also installed the first pastor, Rev. William Woods. The first ordained Deacons were Deacon John Hayes Hicks and Deacon Bailey Bell. Members present during the first ordination were:
As the church membership and activities increased, there grew a need for a permanent church structure. Mrs. Maggie Freeman donated property located on the corner of Delano and Rosewood. In May of 1928, the first services were held in the one room wooden structure called Bell Chapel. Members brought their own chairs and children were borrowed from Inkster Township and the City of Ypsilanti to perform in the Easter and Christmas Pageants. The First Baptist Choir included singers from Methodist and Baptist faiths. The Organist was Mrs. Agatha Bell.
As the area population increased, Methodist members established Parks Memorial A.M.E. Church located on the corner of Grover and Grant Roads where they are still actively delivering the salvation message.
Membership grew at FBC under the leadership of Rev. George Stevenson. Due to rapid growth in home construction, there became a need for a larger building. Rev. Lieutenant Campbell generated a building fund of $5,000 toward the present brick structure.
Through the years God has blessed First Baptist with the following pastoral leaders:
Rev. Grover C. Cline, Sr. was installed as Assistant Pastor and would preside over Services as needed under the first seven Pastors.
The first Trustees were Wilson Bell and Henry Jones. The first Superintendent of Sunday School was Mr. E. Monamus, and teachers Mrs. Ella Jones and Mrs. Lillian Hicks.
In 1968, the Lord placed in our midst, The Rev. Charles P. Woolridge who faithfully served the Congregation and Community for over fifty years. Rev. Woolridge transitioned to heaven in October of 2018. Under his leadership First Baptist grew spiritually with the ordination of these ministers: the late Assistant Minister Grover C. Cline Jr.(appointed in 1982); Associate Ministers Rev. Rita Talley; the late Rev. Charlotte Huby, the late Rev. Eleanor Miller, and the late Rev. Terry Edwards.
Expansion became a necessity again to provide space for our diverse growing and developing ministries. After receiving a vision from the Lord in 1975, Deacon James Smith led the way in the construction of our “communal meeting place,” The House of Unity.
Later in 1999, the Nathaniel Butler/Terry Edwards Education Building was constructed by members and friends of First Baptist Church. This wing has seven classrooms and a library. It is named for the construction foreman, Deacon Butler and wingman Rev. Edwards.
First Baptist prepared to welcome our new spiritual leader, voting on April 13, 2019 to receive Rev. Carl Threat, Jr., as our eighth Pastor. On Sunday, June 2, 2019, the FBC congregation, New Hope Baptist Church (Ann Arbor, MI), Threat Family and friends, the Greater Wayne and Washtenaw County Communities gathered for the Installation Services. Pastor Rodrick Green of New Hope Baptist Church presided over the ceremony.
In March of 2020, First Baptist Church would be tested as an unseen virus descended upon the saved as well as the unsaved. The novel virus would force an immediate change in the way worshipped and lived. Pastor Threat worked diligently to bring a “user, participant-friendly Church” experience during Holy Week 2020 bringing HOPE to all as the United States was on mandatory stay at home, stay safe orders. A new church website, was launched and made it possible to connect with our members and friends anywhere, electronically.
Not much later came the birth of the FBC Media Ministry which was developed with Sis. Tina Williams as Director with Bro. Robert Courtney and Bro. Leroy Talley as Production Assistants. By FAITH, the electronic method of communication that was initiated by this team during Thursday Night Prayer Meeting in March of 2020 has led to consistent weekly broadcasts of our Sunday Church School, Sunday Worship Service, Monday Adult Bible Study, select Thursday Prayer services and host of other special services throughout the year. By April 2023, this collaboration had produced over 500 videos on the Church’s YouTube Channel and had achieved 169 subscribers.
The second half of 2022 would see a resurgence in in-person attendance at the church and a re-imagination of the Sunday Worship Service. We honored God by endeavoring to incorporate the participation of more members across all generations while acknowledging how the LORD works through people. Nine faithful senior women of our community were recognized during such a service on September 18, 2022, including:
• Sis. Salina White
• Sis. Ardina Vaughn
• Sis. Florence Ruper
• Sis. Corine Austin
• Sis. Pairlie Dupree
• Sis. Carmelita Johnson
• Sis. Bettye Martin
• Sis. Ann Cross
• Sis. Alice Harden-Gilbert
Furthermore, our Sunday Church School formed the foundation of the re-engagement of our youth beginning in November 2023 as teachers prepared them to fully participate in Sunday Worship Services for Christmas 2022, Youth Day (January 2023), and Resurrection Sunday 2023. December 2023 would also bring our first in-person holiday dinner since the beginning of the pandemic.
In addition to continuing increases in online viewership, the church welcomed the in-person return of many long-time members, as well as new members joining in 2022 and 2023. We are moved by our annual theme for 2023, “Come Together in Christ,” to continue the call for believers to come to the House of Prayer so that we may help each other in knowing that Prayer Still Works to keep us until the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ:
“And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God's house, let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ's blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
- Hebrews 10:21-25 & 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NLT)